Rob McIntosh













By the Seaside:
And on its outer point, some miles away,
The lighthouse lifts its massive masonry, A pillar of fire by night, of cloud by day.

Even at this distance I can see the tides,
Upheaving, break unheard along its base, A speechless wrath, that rises and subsides
In the white lip and tremor of the face.
And as the evening darkens, lo! how bright, Through the deep purple of the twilight air,
Beams forth the sudden radiance of its light with strange, unearthly splendor in the glare!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


The New England lighthouse, the sentinel of hope, the guiding beacon and a savior to those in the depths of despair during the unrestrained fury of storm-ridden seas or as the perils of a night's cloak envelops all in its somber veil.  Perched upon rocky cliffs and hill tops, these steadfast guardians have long served as symbols of guidance for sailors navigating treacherous waters. 


With every visit to a lighthouse, I'm struck by the awe of the architecture and resiliency of these mighty structures with their unwavering determination to stand the test of time.  Weathering countless storms and guiding fleets of ships to safety, the history and stories are embedded in the lore of New England. 


Working summers for the New England Aquarium, I had the thrill of assisting the naturalists on the Voyager II collecting data on the humpback whales, minke whales, occasional finback whale and extremely rare right whale, brought to the brink of extinction due to the whaling era.  A story for another day.  One of the last Islands before heading to Stellwagen bank, the mighty underwater plateau at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, is Little Brewster, home to Boston Light, first built on September 14, 1716 and dubbed America's first light house.  To honor its' long history, it's the only lighthouse to still have a light keeper today. Rich in history and stories, I encourage anyone interested to click here and learn more. 


There are approximately 200 lighthouses in New England, each with their own grand story to share for the adventure bound New England explorer.  We're all lighthouses in a way, providing guidance, showing resilience and standing tall as we clearly define our purpose and direction.  Like the light house, we have our stories to tell and although we too at times feel isolated and disconnected, our beacon of light can stretch long distances and connect those we love the most. 


Embrace the inevitability of life's storms and the turbulent seas that lie ahead.  Amidst these challenges, find solace in the peace and safety and inspiration you offer others.  Know that beyond the tempest lies the promise of a new day, filled with opportunities to encounter new connections.  Stand resolute, gleam love and support as a beacon of hope guiding others through their own journey. 


I wish you the best and challenge you to explore the wonders and history that await you at each New England light house.