Rob McIntosh


New Englanders are infinitely aware of the power of time as we’ve enjoyed tremendous seasons painting the landscape with vibrant hues of change.  A profound metaphor for our journey of life amidst the majestic beauty of towering trees or a delicate flower displaying its entrancing bloom. 


Like the mighty oak with its roots deeply anchored into the New England soil, its endured storms, autumn, winds, the force of winter, floods of spring and warmth of summer.  Standing alone, it’s destined to become a victim of hard times but within a forest, it’s protected and able to grow to staggering heights.


Like the sturdy oak, resilient to the cruel forces constantly trying to knock it down, we too weather the storms of life, growing stronger and wiser with every challenge we face.  Just as the tree grabs the soil with it’s roots and delves deep into the ground anchoring it firmly in place, we also learn to find strength and stability from our roots, in the values and traditions that shape not only our identity as New Englanders but our legacy to be carried on by our family and those we touch daily.  As the trees are protected by other trees surrounding them, so do our family and friends protect us and allow us to flourish amongst adversity.


Growth is not only defined by endurance and time, it’s also a testament to resilience and adaptation. Opportunities await those opening their mind and their spirit and allowing the power of growth to feed their soul.  A flower shielded by the sun and denied the soaking of rain eventually withers.  Seek the beauty of vulnerability, have the courage to embrace change and face the unknown and like the flower that unfurls its petals in due time, so can we display our unbounding potential and bloom into the fullest expression of ourselves.  Growth requires patience and trust in the process.


Our growth is always defined by the journey and not the destination.  It’s filled with unexpected detours, side roads and turns, meandering toward our vision of who we want to be.  With each unforeseeable bump in the road, we gain wisdom and perspective, learning to navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience.


New Englanders, with their profound and rooted connection to nature, family and friends, understand that growth is a lifelong journey, an ever-evolving process of becoming.


In the tradition of a true New Englander, I challenge you to embrace the seasons of your life with an open heart and open mind, knowing that like the trees and flowers that grace our landscape, you too are constantly growing – rooted in the past, reaching towards the future, and blooming into the fullest expression of your future self.